Monday 28 November 2011

Film Production Company Powerpoint

Paramount Vantage

This is Jason Clarke's and mine powerpoint which we produce. The topic in which we were following was a production company called Paramount Vantage; this was a task that we were set by Mr Grimsley. This is the task that the classes were put into groups, half were film producers and the other half were film director. We were given a sheet which stated the film production company that we were in this case we were Paramount Vantage. On the sheet it gave us a number of different things that we had to research about the company for example a Brief History of the Company, Industry Hierarchy, Box office Revenues, Do they have any relationships with the filmmakers/Producers? If so who? and What the company/studio/studio division best at producing? To find all this information we used the Internet, this is because the Internet is bombarded with all types of information. So that Jason and I were able to both add our own contribution to the Powerpoint we shared out the research between us. Once we both finished we added our slides together to get the finished presentation. After we finished we then pitched who we are to the class.

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