Friday, 9 December 2011

Journal: Lesson 5

In lesson five the class was split into half, this was done so that each half could be put into groups. Half of the class was going to be a film company and the other halves were film makers. Once this was done each half was split into three groups this meant that there was going to be three film companies and three film makers. The film companies were given a sheet of paper, which contained questions that they had to answer about different film companies.  The film makers were given a company they had to aim there film at the company didn’t know which film was there’s. The filmmakers had to pitch their idea to al of the film companies, in there pitch they informed the film companies of their films name, genre, target audience, plot, cast and crew, cost and revenue and release date. Once this had come to a climax the film companies had to pitch who there company was things about them. I was with Jason and the company that we were given was Paramount Vantage, in out presentation we included the history of the company, types of films, genre of films they tend to produce and the relations we have with other film companies. At the end of the presentations the film companies had to guess which film was aimed at them. This was a good lesson as I learned about different types of from companies and the sort of things inserted in a pitch.

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