Thursday, 8 December 2011

Film Pitch

This is our groups PowerPoint presentation that we constructed together. It is our pitch presentation which informs people about what our film idea is and things that are important and need to be known. The film pitch consists of film synopsis, the genre, similar films, target audience, release date and film budget and profit. This is useful information, this is because if we were going to sell the film to different film studios. This information is vital as it can help them deiced if the film I worth buying. The film synopsis will inform the film company about the outline of the film, this is important as this can determine whether or not the company will buy it.  The genre of the film is major as certain film companies only produce certain genres. When choosing the film company to pitch to we have do decide the correct company. By informing the company of the genre it then creates understanding that the film is aimed at them. By having similar film it shows the films our film follow is or have relation to. The target audience slide informs the film company the sort of advertising techniques and the time they need to advertise the film. Release date also can help film companies find the correct techniques to advertise as if you are going to advertise at Halloween you would advertise it different from Christmas. The profit shows how much the film company can get from the film an also the amount of money spend on it.

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