Shoot The Messanger
Walking The Dog
Yeah Boy
Maybe Not Now
These are links to our music in which we have decided to choose. We looked on a websites which contained copy right free music. The reason for this is because we had to follow the criteria which was use either copy right free music or create your own. As a group we all sat around one computer and went through a variety of different music, we choose the four tracks above and from them we had to choose one. The reason in which we chose these particular music tracks is because we believed that it fitted our genre and successfully portrays it. As a group we narrowed it down to the song in which we will use for our title sequence the song that we chose was Maybe Not Now. The reason why we used this particular song is because it was the one that fitted our title sequence best and also because it had lyrics. We believe because our title sequence doesn't have much dialogue if we didn't have a song with lyrics it wouldn't be as entertaining.
Friday, 13 January 2012
Thursday, 12 January 2012
Title Sequence Calendar
Title Sequence Titles
These are the titles in which as a group we will insert them into out title sequence that we have produced. To create these titles we used a combination of both Photoshop and Dafont which is a font website. Before we produced them n the computer we got a piece of paper and took note of the order in which they tend to appear on existing title sequence. Once we had agreed when each title should appear we then had to come up with names to use for each job title, this was the easy part as we made the names we was going to use up. Once we completed coming up the names we went onto Dafont website ( we looked through the different fonts in which we could possible use. The final fonts in which we used were
VTKS Contact and Chalkdust. The reason in which we decided to use these are because as a group we believed they present the genre of our film. The colours in which we used were Red and Black, we used red as this could connote blood or danger and the black can symbolise the darkness in Ronald.
Title Sequence Storyboard
This is our groups storyboard in which we produced, to get it onto the computer we scanned each side of the storyboard that we created. Each member of the group Billy, Luke and I drew a side of the storyboard each. The reason we done this is so that each member of the group was able to show there artistic skills. The first thing that we done was to think of each scene that would occur in the title sequence. once this was done we dre every scene and once finished we coloured them in.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Film Mock Up Poster
This potentially is a poster in which we will use to promote our film to our target audience, we looked at marketing techniques that are regularly used these include billing block, USP's (Director) bold images and also the title. These are all important as this is what sells the audience the film. Through out the poster we have kept a strict colour scheme these colours include red, black and white. The red in the poster can symbolise blood, death and danger all in which occur in the film. The black can symbolise the darkness of Ronald and the bad happenings that occur. Finally the white can signify his normality before he killed someone. We have added a picture of a individual if we use this we will exchange this with the character in which will star in the film, this will inform people of the main character. The character is the main attention of the poster this is so the audiences acknowledge him.
Title Sequence Typography
This is our group’s final typography that we had chosen to use in our title sequence. From seven names that we come up with our questionnaire showed us that this was the most popular name. As a group we discussed whether or not we should use this particular typography or to create a new one. In the end we thought this typo of typography would be idle, as it would provide the audience with a possible genre. To produce the typography we combined the use of Photoshop and Da font. We decided to use this name as it sells the film, the name informs the audience about the film storyline. Ronald is the name of the main character we decided on this name as it contradicts his personality. Ronald is a name that is old and is hardly used in today society so this provides a false image to the audience. Grade 'A' Killer provides the audience with information that the film will consist of a murderer this is correct, as Ronald is the school murderer. We decided to use this particular typography, as it can be associated with horror and mystery. The Name Ronald is in black and blurred out, this be used to provide mystery as the audience wonder why this character is so important. In addition we used red for Grade 'A' Killer this can tie in with red for danger / death and connote that this is a regular occurrence in the film.
Title Sequence Design Company Logo
This is our logo for our title sequence designer, this possibly could be included in our title sequence. As a group we decided to make this so that consumers would know who created the title sequence. To produce this we used a combination of photoshop and Da font. Da font is a website which provides its users with a variety of fonts, this allows the users to download them to the computer. First thing that we done was we had to come up with a name , the name that we decided on was LUBILU which was the first two letters of each of our names Luke , Billy and Luke. We copied the name from Da font into photoshop and from there we ended up with a film logo as above.
Friday, 6 January 2012
This is our group’s animatic, each member took pictures of each scene from our storyboard. We took the photos using an iPhone 4; the reason in which we used this to take photos is because we believed that it took good quality photos. Once we took the phone we then uploaded them to a Mac and instead them into iMovie. Once we uploaded theta iMovie we then found music that we were going to use and also the voiceover.
Production Company Logo
This is our logo in which we have created for our production company this was a time consuming process. This process want difficult but we spend the most trying to come up with a name, this is because as a group we couldn't come up with a name that was entirely suitable and something that we could all agree on. We finally came up with the name obscurity , this is because we wanted to come up with something different and unique. We came up with the name as obscurity means unknown, we thought that using this will indicate the unknown of the types of films in which we will produce. In addition we will be a new company so m=not many people will know us so this can also link into it. We have used an ink blot this again links to our name, the ink blot ind addition also links to unknown.
Film Title Questionnaire
Above is a questionnaire in which our group produced using Microsoft Word. The reason in which we produced this is to decide a name for our film. the group was in decisive on a name for the film so we believe that producing a questionnaire was a easy and quick way to choose. We came up with several possible names ranging from Books, Babes & Brutal Murders, Bod to Ronald the Grade A Killer. We had many ideas but could decide which would be more suitable for our film. So to decide we provided the questionnaire to our target audience to see which name were given the better response.
We had given our questionnaire to 15 people that are in our target audience the results were as followed.
Ronald: Grade A Killer - 6
Books, Babes & Brutal murders - 4
Student Body- 2
Big Mistake - 2
Books, babes and brutal Deaths - 1
Detention - 0
Late Slip - 0
Secondary Psycho - 0
Bods, babes & Brutal Murders - 0
Secondary Scoundrel - 0
Journal: Lesson 12
Lesson 12 was dedicated to blogging, this meant that I was able to update and make any amend post. In the lesson I made changes to previous post. I posted the presentation that our group produced on our film idea in which I explained about each slide in addition our group discussed possible names for a film, this is because we was yet to decide on one. We also discuss other factor that we had not yet decided such as director and cast, this is important as these are the aspects in which can sell the film to the audience. I found this lesson helpful, this is because it gave me time to add more post and add things that I had not added to my blog.
Journal: Lesson 11
In lesson 11 the class was able to use the Macs. We used the Macs to work on our blog, this meant we could add and edit any posts. In this case constructed my own research I which was related to the genre of our film idea. Our film idea is in the Black comedy genre so this meant that i researched existing films that are in the same genre. The films in which I researched were Cherry Falls, Cable Guy, Beetlejuice, Big Nothing and Very Bad Things. During my researched I looked at the sort of aspects that occur in this particular genre. This helped me it provided me with an idea of plots that the group could possible produce.
Journal: Lesson 10
In lesson 10 the class pitched their film idea to the class. The idea in which the class had to pitch was involving the idea for the coursework task. In my group was Billy Hogger, Luke Shelley and I, we each produced a slide and provided our own ideas about things we could insert into the film. During the lesson each group pitched their film idea, this consisted of the name of the film, director, plot, budget and cast. Whilst each group was pitching their idea to the class they were being filmed. Once each pitch came to a climax the class were free to ask any unanswered questions in the viewers wanted to find out. When t came to my group to pitch our idea it was difficult, this was due to Luke Shelley not being in. This affected our pitch as we didn't decide on all of the information about our idea. I believe that our pitch wasn't the best , this is because we were unprepared. I have learnt that if i produce a pitch again I should be more prepared and know what we are going to say. We answered most of the questions that we needed to but there were a few points that we didn't make clear.
Thursday, 5 January 2012
Journal: Lesson 9
In lesson 9 we first were given feedback on the pitches that we presented to the class. This was preparation before we had to pitch our film idea to the class. In the feedback we were given we had to write down aspects that make the perfect pitch. By using the information that we were given it will allow each member to improve the way they pitch and also things that need to be included. This information help us as a group as it could allow us to acknowledge things we missed out when producing our pitch. As a class we discussed our own opinion on things that we believed we could improve on as individuals when pitching to people.
Also in the lesson learnt about film distributor, I discovered that it is a film company responsible for the film being released. We had to create a spider diagram to show the things that a film distributor does for example they advertise the film to consumers. In addition they try to get the film into cinema so that they can make money. After we discovered what a distributor is we had to choose a new film that had not yet been released. On this we could work individually or in pairs. I work in a pair with Luke Shelley. We decided to choose the new Mission Impossible film starring Tom Cruise. Once we chose the film we had to answer a number of question in PowerPoint, these included who the distributor is?, why they distributed the film?, the target audience, cast, USP (unique selling point) and similar films. I found this interesting as I believe I have discovered thing about film distributors the films I learnt is how they aim there films at different target audience, how they get people to see the film.
Journal : Lesson 8
In lesson 8 us being the film company we had to watch the film producers pitch their film. From this we as the film production company had to discover which film suited our company best. There were three film companies and three film producers this meant that each film production company had a film aimed at them. In our previous lesson we had to research and find information about the film production company that we were provided with. This meant that if we done the right amount of research then we can discover which film is aimed at us. Whilst the film producers were pitching there film idea the film production company were taking notes such as the film genre, budget and stars. Once every producer pitched their idea the film production companies discussed with their colleges what film they believed was aimed at them. This is where the notes come into hand as each company could then relate t the notes that they had taken. At the end of the pitch Jason and I discussed what film we though was aimed at us. Due to us having Paramount Vantage we discovered what film was ours. The film was aimed at us was a Romantic, low budget and because of this we know it was aimed at us. I found this interesting as I found our information about the different production companies and the sort of films aimed at them.
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