In lesson 7 each group presnted their own title sequence in which they produed for the film Groundhog Day. Each grouppresnted it and they had to answer question related to the title sequence. One of the question that could be asked was What shows that the film is going to be British? Once the groups presented there idea the class were given the opitionty to mark each groups title sequence out of 10 and then provide constructive critisism. This then meant that the groups could then acknowledge things that they could improve when it came to making there own. I believe that when Luke and i presnted our idea to the class it was successful. When it came to answering question about it Luke and I took it in turns. When it came to the class providing us with feedback , most of the feedback was good but there were a few thing that the class said we could improve , this included the that the background was white, but we explained that we done this to carry a British theme. I have come to a consclusion that from this lesson i have improved my presntationa skills and also learnt that if we done it again we can improve a few aspects.
Once everyone presnted there title sequence the class then were allocatd into there coursework group. In which as a group we had to come up with a film idea. This film that we decide in then have to be advanced and made into a title sequence. Ech individual in the group provided there own ideas for a possible film, with this final infomtaion we created a brain storm in which i have previously posyed on my blog and named title sequence ideas. During this lesson as a group we decided we wanted to produces a black comedy. We listed possib;e ideas as well as examples, this then could help as as we can look at these films to get ideas.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Journal: Lesson 6
Lesson 6 was a blog lesson; this meant people who needed to create more post had the chance to do this. I was up to date with my blog, so in this lesson I went through my current posts and looked at thing in which I could add to them. In addition to this is also made a few new posts which included posting lesson notes and a PowerPoint in which I had produced. I wrote a few lines about each post so the people know a bit of information about it. This lesson was helpful as I was able to make sure my blog was to a high standard and it allowed me to add thing that were necessary.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
Perfect Pitch
Perfect Pitch
What is your film about?
You need to create a pitch - A pitch us a concise verbal
First the pitch should be brief: One short sentence is perfect
Second, people shouls already understand the building blocks of the pitch: Buses, bombs, jaws, space, the seven deadly sins
Film pitch should have what the films about but also what it's really about.
What is your genre?
What other films in this genre has inspired your film?
What other films are similar to yours?
Who is your films target audience?
When will your film be released?
How much money will you film cost?
How much will your film make?
Who will star in your film?
Who will direct your film?
Friday, 9 December 2011
Journal: Lesson 5
In lesson five the class was split into half, this was done so that each half could be put into groups. Half of the class was going to be a film company and the other halves were film makers. Once this was done each half was split into three groups this meant that there was going to be three film companies and three film makers. The film companies were given a sheet of paper, which contained questions that they had to answer about different film companies. The film makers were given a company they had to aim there film at the company didn’t know which film was there’s. The filmmakers had to pitch their idea to al of the film companies, in there pitch they informed the film companies of their films name, genre, target audience, plot, cast and crew, cost and revenue and release date. Once this had come to a climax the film companies had to pitch who there company was things about them. I was with Jason and the company that we were given was Paramount Vantage, in out presentation we included the history of the company, types of films, genre of films they tend to produce and the relations we have with other film companies. At the end of the presentations the film companies had to guess which film was aimed at them. This was a good lesson as I learned about different types of from companies and the sort of things inserted in a pitch.
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Typography Ideas
These are possible film names ideas that our group has come up with. We all sat around a table and wrote down notes to try to come up with a name. Each member of the group came up with a few ideas and we chose a handful that we believed will work best. Once we believed that we had a sufficient amount of names we then produced these that are above on the Mac's. We used a variety of different fonts and lay outs. We used different fonts and lay out so that they don't all look the same.
Title Sequence Storyline
New Plot/Narrative
The film takes place in a ordinary british comprehensive school, where we see ordinary outcast Ronald Bateman attempting to survive his social class. This was about to change as his is turn inside-out as he accidentally killing both fellow student and teacher. This creates a massive dilemma which then sparks a accidental killing spree which is provoked by revenge, innocence and girls. He has more problems than he needed which means that exams are not the only thing to worry about this year. With a mixture of dark humor and brutal deaths, this will surely be a film that should not be missed.
Film Pitch
Title Sequence Ideas
School Comedy
- Puberty
- Social Groups
- Uniform
- Dumb Blonde
- Other Teachers
- Nerds
- Stereotypes
- Class Room
- Restricted Locations
- Killing
- Weapons
- Blood/Gore
- Final Girl
- Frightening Place
- Misfits of Society
- Villain/Monster
- Social Slaying
- Hero
- Morally Wrong
- Contrapuntal Sound of boy walking to school with fast cuts to brutal murders with screaming and blood
- Possible name similar to Sex, Drugs and Sausage Rolls
- Accident killing – Therefore has to kill suspicious teenagers or teachers.
- Teacher and student role playing murder
- Nerd sees this and believes it’s a real murder and tries to hit the teacher’s. In a result to this he accidentally kills the student and kills teacher because she is a witness.
- When people are suspicious he kills them.
Film Name Ideas
- Books, Babes & Brutal Murders
- Bod, Babes & Brutal Murders
- Books, Babes & Brutal Deaths
- Big Mistake
- Name of Character: Grade A Killer
- Secondary Psycho
- Secondary Scoundrel
- Woolwich Poly School
- Welling School
- Deep fat fryer
- Pen in the eye
- Javelin
- Football goal
- Books fall on top of someone
- Electrocute
- Slip over on wet floor
- Freezer
- Chair
- Photo copier
- Keyboard
- Chemicals
- Bunsen Burner
- Piano
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
Journal: Lesson 4
In lesson four people presented their title sequence designers case study. People in the class chose a variety of different designers so that not everyone done the same person. Whilst people were presenting their PowerPoint I took into account the feed back that they were given. The reason why I have done this is so that I can make my presentation the best that it could be. In this lesson there wasn't enough time for me to present my PowerPoint to the class. Also in the lesson we had the choice to either work in groups or individually to produce an opening title sequences to the remake of Groundhog Day. Luke Shelley and I decided to work with each other on the task of the title sequence. When producing it we had to consider mentioning vital information this included the name of the production company, the actors and the name of the film. The reason why we done this, firstly we showed the production company because the audiences then wouldn’t know who created it and the type of film it would be. In addition we use three major colours, this is to represent the British theme. In this lesson I learned how to use a numerous different feature on Photoshop. I learned how to insert pictures and alter them. I enjoyed this as I now can add Photoshop to one of my skills.In lesson four people presented their title sequence designers case study. People in the class chose a variety of different designers so that not everyone done the same person. Whilst people were presenting their PowerPoint I took into account the feed back that they were given. The reason why I have done this is so that I can make my presentation the best that it could be. In this lesson there wasn't enough time for me to present my PowerPoint to the class. Also in the lesson we had the choice to either work in groups or individually to produce an opening title sequences to the remake of Groundhog Day. Luke Shelley and I decided to work with each other on the task of the title sequence. When producing it we had to consider mentioning vital information this included the name of the production company, the actors and the name of the film. The reason why we done this, firstly we showed the production company because the audiences then wouldn’t know who created it and the type of film it would be. In addition we use three major colours, this is to represent the British theme. In this lesson I learned how to use a numerous different feature on Photoshop. I learned how to insert pictures and alter them. I enjoyed this as I now can add Photoshop to one of my skills.
Dr Strangelove Title Sequences Analysis
Dr Strangelove Title Sequence
When researching films which consist of the same genre of our film I found many films. The genre of the film we are constructing is a black comedy. The film in which I found was called Dr Strangelove, this is a title sequence to a film called Dr Strangelove. From the start of the title sequences the audience are presented with the sight old footage. From the beginning the audience are shown the film production company, by showing this it can shown a possible genre or give the audience a rough budget. From the footage the audience are able to tell that the film will be in black and white, this shows the time period inn which the film takes place. From the footage the audience are able to see a rocket and in words it has 'US Army' written , this could indicate that the film is about Army or war. The typography that is used is plain again this can show the time the film was set as they didn't have the technology to create unique typography. When it dissapears it explodes this can connote the film could contain explosions.
When researching films which consist of the same genre of our film I found many films. The genre of the film we are constructing is a black comedy. The film in which I found was called Dr Strangelove, this is a title sequence to a film called Dr Strangelove. From the start of the title sequences the audience are presented with the sight old footage. From the beginning the audience are shown the film production company, by showing this it can shown a possible genre or give the audience a rough budget. From the footage the audience are able to tell that the film will be in black and white, this shows the time period inn which the film takes place. From the footage the audience are able to see a rocket and in words it has 'US Army' written , this could indicate that the film is about Army or war. The typography that is used is plain again this can show the time the film was set as they didn't have the technology to create unique typography. When it dissapears it explodes this can connote the film could contain explosions.
Friday, 2 December 2011
Film Distributor Powepoint
This is a Powerpoint presentation in which I constructed it with Luke Shelley. For this Powerpoint we were set the task to choose a film that has not yet been released, find out the film distributor, find out information about the distribution company, find out why they distributed the film?, who the target audience are, the cast, crew and the USP and similar films that the cast and director have been in. The film that we chose to find these things out on was Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol. Luke and I decided to create the powerpoint together rather than each person doing a part each, we chose to do a few slides each so that we both done the same amount of work. I found this interesting as i discovered that Paramount Pictures distributed the whole mission impossible series. In addition i leant different ways in which film distributors try to promote their film to there consumers.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Journal: Lesson 3
In lesson 3 as a class we looked an existing title sequence. We looked at the title sequence to the film called ‘Dawn of the Dead’, we analysed the title sequence to see what sort of features that a horror title sequence contain. and also existing pre title designers, I found this interesting because this is the start of the film which has to draw the audience in and entertain them before the film starts. Otherwise if they don’t succeed and entertain then the audience might walk out before the films starts. This showed me that it is an important and hard job as the success is on the hands of he designer. Once we looked at these we looked at well known title sequence designers these included the likes of Saul Bass and Kyle cooper. Eve though we looked a Kyle Coopers work we didn’t look at him and his life, whereas we looked at Saul bass life and the work he produced. We looked at Some of Saul Bass most famous title sequences such as Oceans Eleven and the man with the Golden arm. We looked at the title sequences and discussed as a class the codes and conventions that they contain. Once we finished this we were allocated the task to look at other title sequence designer and create a case study on the person. We were provided a website link called ‘watch the’ which gave us a list of designers. After I looked through them I found a man called Laurent Brett and decided to produce my case study on him. The reason in which I chose him is because when looking through his work he produced title sequence to films I have heard of but also films I have never heard of before.
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